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Temple History

Urulikunnam Temple has a proud history of more than one thousand and five hundred years associated with the ancient Kingdom of Chembakassery.

It was Chembakassery King who brought two familes, one from Kidangoor-based Oniyappulathu Brahmin family and the other from Pallathu Nair family to Urulikunnam.

For the prosperity of the village, a great Brahmin, who is believed to be a form of God, consecreted the idols of Aishwarya Gandharva and Sundara Yakshi at Oorakathu Mada which belonged to Pallathu family. Now, this place is the Moolasthana (origin) of the present day temple.

Goddess Bhadrakali was worshipped at Oniyappulathu Illam which is situated one kilometer to the west of the origin temple. The great Brahmin who reached here consecrated the idols of Aiswarya Gandharva and Sundara Yakshi along with Bhadrakali. Now, this temple situated near Oniyappulathu Illam is the present day Urulikunnam temple.

It was once a very prominent temple where important persons including Kings used to participate in the ten-day long festival conducted each year. Eminent artists also used to practice here.

History says that Chembakassery King used to respect the Brahmins of Oniyappulathu family by giving them the name Devan. Although the adverse effects of colonialism and the internal conflicts between the kings of various kingdoms resulted in the deterioration of the Temple, the Brahmins of Oniyappulathu family took special care to maintain the grace of the temple by conducting timely poojas and giving offerings to the Lords they worshipped.

As India got independence and the feudal system declined, the prominence of Oniyappulathu family also faded. Even in such a condition, they were strict in making sure that it did not affect the grace of the temple. So they handed over the temple and all its properties to Ayyappa Seva Sangham. Later on, Ayyappa Seva Sangham handed over all these to NSS Karayogam No. 619. In addition to this, Pallathu family also handed over Oorakathu temple and its properties to NSS Karayogam.

From there onwards, the people from different religions started recognizing the importance of the temple and the Gods. With their co-operation, the temple once again found its way to prosperity.

Now, several activities are being conducted in the temple to maintain and improve the prosperity and grace of the temple with the co-operation of devotees. As per the Devaprasna, the temple was rejuvenated on May 26, 2002. Moreover, the annual festival which was ceased to be conducted around one and a half centuries ago, is also restarted from 2003 onwards. The festival, during which Aiswarya Gandharva and Bhadrakali has equal importance, is conducted in such a way that the Arattu comes on the Thiruvonam day of the Makara month.